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etc Bulletin 14

Send date: 2009-06-10 09:44:48
A Gift To Marco Polo: Contemporary Art from China
VIU co-organises a Collateral Event of the 53rd International Biennale Art Exhibition
On the occasion of the 53rd Biennale Art Exhibition, ''A Gift to Marco Polo: Contemporary Art from China'' is hosted at VIU till July 2, 2009.
On June 2, a press conference and an opening event inaugurated the exhibition in the presence of VIU President Umberto Vattani and the curators Lu Peng and Achille Bonito Oliva.
VIU-CASS E-learning Study Tour on "Eco-Management: Strategies and Policies" - Italy, June 4-13, 2009
Held in cooperation with CASS, the e-learning project is developed to allow a larger number of participants even from remote areas of China to benefit from the VIU advanced training courses on Sustainable Development.
VIU-SEPB "Environmental Friendly Cities" Advanced Training Course
Italy, May 23-June 6, 2009
The first delegation of year 2009 from the Shanghai Environmental Protection Bureau arrived in Italy on May 23 to attend a training course on “Environmental Friendly Cities”, after the successful introductory one-day course held in Shanghai last March.

VIU-MEP "Multilateral Environmental Agreements" Advanced Training Course - Italy. May 16-30, 2009
The Ministry of Environmental Protection of P.R. China selected a delegation of 23 policy-makers to explore the European and Italian perspectives in dealing with Multilateral Environmental Agreements, to testify the growing effort of China in international cooperation for Sustainable Development.

VIU-CASS "Water Pollution Prevention and Control" Advanced Training Course - Italy, May 9-23, 2009
The course officially closed the 2008-2009 teaching program organised by Venice International University with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in the framework of their 6th year of cooperation.
From Poverty to Development. Chinese Economic Growth in a Historical Perspective - Prof. Li Bozhong Lectured at VIU on May 13
In the frame of the VIULectures 1|09, Venice International University invited Professor Li to discuss and illustrate the economic development of China in a historical perspective, with reference to recent trends and environmental issues involved. Discussant was Prof. Musu.
International Energy Workshop. 2009 Meeting - June 17-19 2009, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice
The International Center for Climate Governance, in cooperation with the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, organises the 2009 Meeting of the International Energy Workshop (IEW), which will take place at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, in Venice, on June 17-19.
World Environment Day 2009 - Your Planet Needs You: UNite to Combat Climate Change
Each year on June 5 the United Nations celebrate the World Environment Day (WED), which was established in 1972 by the UN General Assembly to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The event is one of the main vehicles through which the United Nations stimulate worldwide environmental awareness and enhance political attention and action.
Energy and Sustainability 2009 - Bologna, Italy, 23 - 25 June
Following the success of its first edition held in The New Forest, UK, in 2007, the second ''Energy and Sustainability'' international conference will be held in Bologna, Italy from June 23 to 25.
The event is jointly organised by the Wessex Institute of Technology, UK, and the University of New Mexico, USA.
The Threat of Electricity Production Plants to Birds - Are Wind Farms Actually the Most Dangerous?
Several studies have been published so far about wind farms causing the death of birds and bats. However, not as much data have been collected about the impacts of other energy power plants, like nuclear and fossil-fuelled power plants, as professor Benjamin K. Sovacool from the National University of Singapore points out in his recent study.


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