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etc Bulletin 31

Send date: 2010-11-10 10:05:29
December SICP Advanced Training Courses
Coming Up Next at VIU
In the last month of 2010 the Advanced Training Program is scheduled to hold two courses.
The first delegation arriving in Italy in December is represented by 24 participants selected by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China. They will attend a course on Environmental Monitoring Management.
The Advanced Training Program’s year will conclude with a delegation selected by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and the training course will be on Energy Conservation and Efficiency.
Work and Sustainability in the North-east of Italy
A survey by Valentina De Marchi (IRES Researcher).
On the 5th of November the Institute for Economic and Social Research in the Veneto Region (IRES) presented the survey carried out by Valentina De Marchi on the wooden forniture industrial sector.
Real Time Pollution Maps.
During the past three years (2006-2009) a team of researchers from Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom has developed an open-source software that creates real time maps of air, water and soil pollution.
A new Biodiversity Strategy for the Twenty-first Century: The Nagoya summit.
Last October 29, at the closing of the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, held in Nagoya (Japan), representatives of 193 Countries developed a shared package of measures for environmental protection, thus implementing the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity which entered into force in 1993.
PlanIT Valley, a City that Uses the Brain.
PlanIT Valley, on the outskirts of Paredes, Portugal, aims at becoming the first real eco-city. The project has been studied by a group of engineers, architects and information technology experts: a powerful computer system will be the central brain of the scheme.
Eternit Free.
Asbestos is a very hazardous material to human health and, although is banned in Italy, it is estimated that it is still the cause of 2000 deaths per year (other estimates report 4000 deaths). In this framework, the Provincia Eternit Free project, promoted by AzzeroCO2 and Legambiente, aims to inform people about the problem.
Solar Energy and Water Consumption Reduction.
A new Australian CSP plant.
Energy generation usually implies high water consumption: in the field of solar energy production, concentrating solar power (CSP) plants are becoming more and more popular because of their excellent performances. The pilot plant built by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and by Australian National University will be the largest of its kind and will consist of a field of 450 mirrors focusing the sun’s energy on a central tower.
Steeper: an Opportunity to Reduce Energy Consumption from Electronic Devices.
In the attempt to reduce power consumption the STEEPER project was launched with the support from the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission (FP7) and coordinated by the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne.
Towards CO2 Free Power Plants
Two new technologies, “carbonate looping” and “chemical looping”, currently under development at the Technische Universität Darmstadt (Germany) could soon revolutionize Carbon Capture and Storage, allowing CO2 emission reduction in fossil fuel fired power plants with minimal energy consumption.


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