National Contest for Sustainable Cities
19 July 2010
The Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) and the National Institute of Urban Planning (INU) are promoting a competition for sustainable cities within the framework of the Sustainable Energy for Europe (SEE) campaign in Italy.
The competition is addressed to companies and institutions, both public and private, which developed urban plans and projects taking into account energy issues and sustainable development. The aim of the initiative is to promote changes in energy production and use within the urban boundaries, and which must take into account the necessary integration of urban and energy plans.

There are three different categories to which participants can apply: methodology, sustainable energy projects and Urbanpromo.
All the prizes will be awarded during the Urbanpromo 2010, an event organized by the INU and which will be held in Venice from October 27th to 30th, 2010.

Please find the application form here in italian."

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