Europe's Largest Photovoltaic Plant To Be Built in Northern Italy
25 June 2010
The largest photovoltaic plant in Europe is under development near the city of Rovigo in Northern Italy. Covering a surface of 850,000 m2, the plant will start to produce power generation from the second half of 2010.
During the first year of activity, the 72MW plant should be able to provide electric energy to 17 thousand families, thus, saving nearly 41 thousand tons of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere. This reduction amount is equivalent to removing 8000 cars from the roads.

The main developer of the project is the well known and successful US Solar electricity company SunEdison, helped by financing partner Banco Santander.
Other positive impacts which the project will have in the area, are the expected creation of 350 new jobs during the construction phase as well as building expertise in the field of renewable energy sources."

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