Printed Paper Solar Cells
03 June 2010
In the framework of a project to develop new energy solutions, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) together with the Italian National Hydrocarbons Company ENI, introduced the first paper solar cell during the inauguration of the Solar Frontier Research Center (SFC) on last May 4.
Although they're still being tested and far from being viable for commercialization, these paper solar cells look promising in the perspective of lowering the weight of solar panels.

The technique used is similar to that of inkjet printers, while in this case the paper gets coated with an organic semiconductor material, mainly carbon-based dyes, instead of ink.
The cells are only about 1.5-2% efficient at converting sunlight to electricity. The dyes however can be applied at room temperature to any kind of material, which means they could possibly be used on really wide surfaces.

For further information on the project:"

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