JRC Reference Report: Regulating Air Emission from Ships
25 January 2011
large-cargo-ship-pollutionShip pollution (including the pollution of air and water by shipping) is the fifth largest contributor to air pollution and carbon emissions, a problem which is accelerating as trade has become increasingly globalized. Due to increased traffic in ocean ports, pollution from ships also directly affects coastal areas. For these reasons the Institute on Environmental and Sustainability, Joint Research Centre - European Commission, wrote the JRC Reference Report.

This report describes technological solutions and proposes policy options for reducing carbon emissions and air pollution in this sector and offers an overview for estimating air emissions from shipping. Currently, there are no international regulations for maritime transport emissions, although the International Maritime Organization (IMO) discussed it and during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) this topic was also under debate.

What it could be done to reduce fuel consumption? Technical solutions such as better ship design, propulsion and machinery are only some examples needed to improve the situation in conjunction with the implementation of regional and global measures such as the GHG Emission Trading Scheme (ETS).

For the report, please click here.


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