World Environment Day 2009
27 May 2009
Your Planet Needs You - UNite to Combat Climate Change Each year on June 5 the United Nations celebrate the World Environment Day (WED), which was established in 1972 by the UN General Assembly to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. The event is one of the main vehicles through which the United Nations stimulate worldwide environmental awareness and enhance political attention and action.

This year’s edition will be hosted by Mexico and the theme characterising the event will be 'Your Planet Needs You - UNite to Combat Climate Change'.
This focus aims at underlining the urgency for all nations to agree on a new environmental deal at the crucial climate convention meeting in Copenhagen next December, and the links with overcoming poverty and improved management of forests.

On WED individuals, non-governmental organizations, community and youth groups, business, industry and the media will organise activities to renew their commitments to protect and develop the environment. For example, activities such as clean-up campaigns, tree planting, colourful street rallies, green concerts, essay or photo competitions in schools and recycling efforts are being planned in more than 100 countries."

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