A New Methodology for Collecting Temperature Records
23 November 2011
indicator_global_warming_modThe most important scientific records used to assess global warming are the land and sea surface temperatures. These indicators have often been criticized, in particular for the choice and the number of stations, and for the methods adopted to correct system errors.

In order to overcome this criticism, the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature group set out a new and rigorous records plan in an independent, replicable and inclusive way. The data set collects records of 39,000 unique stations, five times more than the Global Historical Climatology Network Monthly data set, used for many climate studies.
The results include the best estimation of global temperature change and also the uncertainties in the records.

The group has also developed a new mathematical framework that allows experts to include short and discontinuous temperature records, so that nearly all temperature data can be used.
The framework assesses the quality and consistency of a spatial network of temperature stations as an integral part of the averaging process, and produces maps and large-scale averages of temperature changes from weather station data.

For further information please visit the group's website.


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