Biodegradable Diapers to Be Transformed into Compost
28 November 2011
diapersImproving waste management is one of the main goals of modern society in order to achieve sustainable development. Consumers 'choices can be an important factor in reducing waste production and providing a better separate waste flow.

Families with children, for instance, could now help to reach this goal by using a special kind of diaper which can be transformed into compost. In Italy, it has been estimated that diapers represent between 5% and 8% (around 500.00 tons) of the total waste produced per year. For this reason an Italian company, W.I.P. S.p.A. (Wellness Innovation Project), recently presented its biodegradable diaper line called Ecowip. The diapers are made of biopolymers derived from vegetable starch fermentation and other natural raw materials such as fibers from organic agriculture and forests.

The compostability of these diapers has been certified by the Consortium of Italian Compostors (CIC), which works with public organizations to promote, in particular, the separation and processing of organic fractions of municipal solid waste.

For more information please visit the official website of W.I.P. S.p.A..


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