First Covenant of Mayors Ceremony
12 February 2009
February 11, 2009 The Covenant of Mayors is an ambitious initiative of the European Commission that aims at bringing together the mayors of Europe's most pioneering cities in a permanent network, in order to exchange and apply good practices across the cities involved and beyond to significantly improve energy efficiency in the urban environment.

On February 11, 2009 the mayors of around 400 cities gathered in Brussels to sign the Covenant which will commit their cities to adopting sustainable energy action plans and achieving a series of targets and obligations to reduce their CO2 emissions even beyond the EU 20% objectives.
The Italian Covenant cities are 30. Among them Turin, Padua, Milan, Verona and Foggia.

The towns and cities signing up to the Covenant of Mayors commit to submitting their action plans within the year following their adhesion. In their action plans they will explain how they intend to reach the objectives in terms of reduction of CO2 emissions by 2020, both for the public and private sectors in the city.
Their progress will be closely monitored by external evaluators and they will be required to submit regular status reports."

SD Community


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