Seminar Series on Partnerships for Sustainable Development in the Black Sea Region
26 August 2009
Istanbul, Turkey - Sept 7-12, 2009 Following last year's successful experience, a new edition of the ''Seminar Series on Partnerships for Sustainable Development in the Black Sea Region'' is planned in 2009, with two groups of sessions scheduled.
The first part of the course will be held from September 7 to 12, 2009 in Istanbul, Turkey, while the second will follow in October at VIU, Venice, Italy.

The Sustainable Development Training Program for the Black Sea Region, funded by the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS), is a high level ongoing education training course organised by Venice International University in collaboration with the Regional Environmental Center (REC), Agroinnova and Istanbul Bilgi University.
Participants are mid-to-high level civil servants from central and local governments as well from private sector organizations and come from countries of the Black Sea Region, such as Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, the Russian Federation, Turkey and Ukraine.

The wide range of seminars will provide participants with a deeper knowledge on current sustainable development issues and its practical contexts both on a global and a regional basis. During each meeting, thematic sessions on climate change and water management will promote the analysis and discussion of practical case studies.
The program aims at sharing Sustainable Development principles using several tools: lecturing sessions, site visits, panel discussions, role plays and workshops. Several interactive moments are planned in order to foster communication and cooperation among the 30 participants."

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