UNEP Launches New Training Tools Against Deforestation
30 November 2015
deforestationOn Wednesday 25 November 2015, UN-REDD Programme launched new tools for training champions of fight against deforestation. The REDD+ Academy Learning Journals and REDD+ Academy e-course will help to build the capacity of policymakers, practitioners and communities on the frontlines of the battle against deforestation, providing them with knowledge and skills to promote the implementation of national REDD+ activities.

The REDD+ Academy e-course and the Learning Journals are the latest additions to the toolset of the REDD+ Academy, which was launched last year to enable systematic, focused capacity development to implement REDD+ on the ground. Since then, the Academy has trained over 500 people from 49 UN-REDD partner countries through three regional events in Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Africa, as well as successive national training sessions.

The twelve modules of the REDD+ Academy Learning Journal are: Forests, carbon sequestration and climate change; REDD+ and the UNFCCC; Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation; National Strategies and Action Plans; National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS); Forest Reference (Emission) Levels (FREL/FRLs); Policies and Measures; REDD+ Safeguards; REDD+ Finance; Allocation of Incentives; Public Awareness & Stakeholder Engagement; Good Governance.

For more information please visit the UNREDD website.


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