Welcome the Delegation - VIU_BMEPB "Green Cities"
10 July 2009
Italy, July 11 - 25, 2009 A delegation of 15 participants from the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau (BMEPB) is arriving in Italy on Saturday July 11 to attend a training course on “Green Cities”.
The desire of the Beijing Municipality to have its officers trained on such a topic is a sign of their willingness to implement actions aimed at improving the quality of life in the city.

Considering the major problems of the city, several lectures will be devoted to sustainable mobility and air quality control topics.
The participants will experience also Italian successful examples of waste collection and recycling (Treviso case study) and of urban sustainability (Ferrara case study).
The energy efficiency theme will be faced in Turin to complete the overview on the crucial issues that a city has to deal with in order to become a green city.

Please check the agenda of the course:"

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