Home > topics > Waste > 2012 > Waste Management > Italian Policy for Waste Management: European Directive Implementation
Italian Policy for Waste Management: European Directive Implementation

14:30 - 16:00 Lecture

The lecture focuses on the European Directive 2008/98/CE implementation in Italian legislation (Law 3rd December 2010 n. 208). The lecture consists of the description of the principles about waste management, introduced by Directive. The main subject of the lecture is the development of sustainable waste systems, with great attention to the hierarchy of waste treatment and to the responsibilities in waste management, relative to Public Authorities, Regions, Municipalities and to the main players of the entire waste cycle (producers, holders, facility managers, citizens). Another topic of the lecture is focused on the tools and targets, that the Directive provides, to implement the waste system in order to reach a high level of environmental sustainability ad human health protection.

The main objective of the lecture is to convey the life cycle analysis approach for waste management, in order to develop a new point of view of the entire system, from products to waste, and to widen the scope of the waste cycle also to industrial manufactoring. Re-use and recycling-oriented industrial production is the basis for a smaller human environmental footprint. A complete and careful waste management is the first bridge for sustainable development, from Cities to Regions to States.

mr. Vincenzo Librici Kyklos Acea spa

SD Community


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