Home > topics > Sustainable Development > 2010 > Multilateral Environmental Agreements > Site Visit to Novamont S.p.A.
Site Visit to Novamont S.p.A.

09:30 - 12:30 Site Visit
Site Visit Objective: To present an example of an effective separate garbage collection in the surroundings of Novara using bags and linings produced with Novamont’s raw material Mater-Bi™ for the collection of the organic part of solid municipal waste.

Company Profile: Novamont is an innovative company that produces mainly a bio-plastic named Mater-Bi™. Novamont’s project, which stemmed from this concept, aims at finding new ways of using raw vegetable materials and transforming them into bio-plastics for specific applications with low environmental impact. Bio-plastics have all the properties of traditional materials but they are also be completely biodegradable. Today, Novamont provides the best response to consumers, companies and institutions’ demands for innovative products for a truly sustainable growth.

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